Download Free Bandwitdth Controller - Network Management Software (Cracked)

Bandwidth Controller Enterprise is a scalable traffic shaping solution for corporate networks and service providers. It provides Layer 3 transaction processing for high performance, low latency bandwidth management across the entire organization.

The product can be installed on any internet gateway or server computer giving network administrators access to all internet streams for both upload and download directions. By using this architecture, bandwidth rules and product configuration are guarded against modification from end-users, with the additional benefit of transparent operation (i.e. client-side installation is not required).

Kernel level processing provides extra performance for high speed networks, with support for line speeds up to 8,000 Mbps. Real-time traffic such as VoIP and video is handled by the kernel processor using a combination of prioritization (QoS) and guaranteed service levels (SLAs), resulting in high quality network streams.

Guaranteed Bandwidth Levels
Service Level Agreements are implemented using rules that specify a minimum allocation for applications and protocols. These guaranteed bandwidth levels provide a consistent stream for applications such as VoIP that require a minimum level of bandwidth to function correctly.

Percentage Allocation
Bandwidth can be assigned on a percentage or ratio basis, giving specified users and protocols a greater allocation depending on their needs and characteristics. With this feature it is not necessary to set hard limits as the internet bandwidth is divided based on the available bandwidth at the time.

Dynamic Batch Rules
The dynamic rule feature makes it possible to process an entire group of users with just a single entry. This saves manually creating separate rules for each user, saving time and reducing complexity for administrators. It also provides automated bandwidth distribution policies for user groups, giving each user equal bandwidth only while they are actively using the internet resource.

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