Hacked Your Victim Fully [Totally]

Ok Guys Nows Your Day Today Hope its Good ,Well Em Going to Post A Tut For My Fans Coz  all are Requesting Again & Again so Here is the tut Begin
Author : Mr.MindfReak
Title : Hacked Your Victim Fully [Totally]
Our Blog : http://hackguide4u.blogspot.com

Description[Read Carefully]:
Ok So The Trick From Which You Are Going to Learn "Title : Hacked Your Victim Fully [Totally]" Is Called 'Rat' 
Rat:''Remote Administrative Tool''

So For Using Rat U Have Speacial Thing To Be Which Is ''Open Port'' Which u can open by Routers Or See Below How To Port Farward And Make "Open Port" 
Note : "If You Dont Have Router To open Port use Vpn Coz Vpn Open All Ports"

Ok So how To Setup Rat see,

First you need to download these two files:

Spy-Net RAT: DOWNLOAD [Password is Spy-Net]

Second We Need To Setup No-ip Account: 
1. Go to www.no-ip.com
2. Create a new account
3. Confirm it from your E-Mail
4. Login To No-IP website
5. Select Add a host
6. Click Create Host
7. Write what you want the name of your No-IP address to be

[Image: igQE.png]
8. Click Create Host
9. Download No-IP DUC , Install it , then login with your Email and password.
10. Once you do You will see your server there. Click on the icon and it will be smiling. (:D)

Port forwarding.

I Will not explain that much ,
1. Go to http://www.portforward.com
2. Click CTRL+F 
3. Select Your Route

4. Follow the guide and do this with the port 81

Now How to Setup SpyNet[Rat]

[Image: spynet26989.png]

1.First of all , Open the Spy-Net , you will get a popup with some weird language , click NO.
2.On Spy-Net , click START and then Opces -> Idioma -> English.ini (thats for changing language of spynet , Default is spanish or something)

Okay so now , I uploaded pics for it to be easier.

1.Go to File -> Create Server -> Select any of the profiles

[Image: icvK1s.png]

Where it says "Your_Dns_here" Click once on it and click DELETE. Then click ADD and write your No-ip adress , and click Add or OK i dont know what it was

[Image: icvM90.png]

Leave everything as it is... ( these the options i use personally)

[Image: icvSXO.png]

Okay , so i guess everyone wants the keylogger , so select it.
And i prefer using the Backspace option too , as if someone logins to facebook , and his email is mrmindfreak@hotmail.com , and he misspelled something and it showed as mrmindfreak@hotmail.com , im sure he will use backspace and fix it , so this will be recorded on your keylogger and you can get the passwords easier :)

[Image: icv1qi.png]

Okay select all of them , if you want to test it on sandboxie , unselect the first one :)

Final Step
[Image: icrzVc.png]

Chose anything you want , for changing the icon click on the Picture icon on there and select any .exe or .ico files...And Click On Creat Server You Done , Now Gave u Server to Your Victim And When He Opened it u will Get His Pc On 'Rat' Like Below Pic.

[Image: spynet26989.png]

Note : Your Server is DAetecable Coz its A Trojen So Make it Fud By Using Some Crypters And Bind it And Spread You Can Search Binding Tut On Blog



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