Tricks to Easily Search in Gmail

As our Gmail is flooded up with lot of emails everyday it gets too laborious to search for a particular mail. Even-though there is a search option in gmail but even it can give you hundred of mails in results and scanning all of them isn’t convenient.You can reduce the results to marginally low levels by using special operators which increases the accuracy of your search.This is quite similar to the advanced operators used in Google Search.

Tricks to Search Easily in Gmail:

  • from:

Typing from: operator along with the Email-ID give only those results which are recieved from the specified email address.

  • to:

Typing to: operator along with the Email-ID will help you to find all those Emails messages that you have sent to the specified email address.
  • subject:

This will match your query with the subject of all Email messages that you have sent/received.
Example:- subject:”Computer Tips and Tricks”
This will also work if you don’t apply these double quotes with your subject as double quotes are used only to increases the relevancy of results.
  • label:

This will search the Email messages to which you have applied a particular labels.
Example:- label:Personal
  • has:attachment

This query will show only those Email Messages which contains one or more attachment files with them.
  • in:

After typing the in: operator just give the label name (in:spam) this will show all those Email messages which are present in that particular label but if you don’t know the label name then just type in:anywhere this will show Emails from all labels contain.
  • is:

This operator shows only those Email messages that you have Read, Unread or marked as Starred.
Example:- is:unread
  • before:

This will show all those Email messages that you had received before a particular date. The date you are mentioning should be in yyyy/mm/dd format.
Example:- before:2011/10/02
  • after:

This will show all those Email messages that you had received after a particular date. The date you are mentioning should be in yyyy/mm/dd format.
Example:- after:2011/10/02
If you have been getting crazy while searching emails then use these operators.This will surely make the task bit easier.


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